
Esther & Ho Same Day Edited

Date: Sep 2012,
Place: King Palace Chinese Restaurant,

天氣非常好..不太熱且秋風送爽..愛死在這季節中工作..新娘與新郎非常合作..可能是之前Pre-Wedding積落的經驗吧^^(自動波~很多鏡也一Take到位..讚~)..兄弟姐妹都非常幫得手..再次感謝(十一月同三月再見吧^O^)..整天的氣氛都非常好..一切順利進行..他們真的很愛玩(新郎被賓客劈飲酒就見得多..敬完酒後兄弟逐圍劈返賓客轉頭真的少見..仲要係狠劈VSOP紅酒一支或整杯劈..汗~==)感謝Videographer Tiger兄與我的Partner Alvin大哥..>3<

Cathy & Belldanly Pre-Wedding Project

Date: Sep 2011,
Place: Stanley Bay & Central,

事前溝通時已感覺準新人比較內歛..所以預先準備了一些小玩意為了提昇配合度,經過第一輪後..新人開始入狀態了..GOOD,最終比預定時間遲了許多完成(樂極忘形吧^^),感謝星級化妝師Moon Wong天衣無縫的配合

Tiffany & Pak Big Day

Project Detail:

Date: Apr 2012,
Place: Royal Palace Restaurant (TST),
Production of Marcus Wong Photography @ 2012,


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Michelle Bridal Makeup @ Studio Project

Project Detail:

Date: May 2012,
Place: Eternity Moments Studio,
Model: Michelle Cheung
Makeup & Hair: Mrandmrs Makeup (Kawing)
Production of Marcus Wong Photography @ 2012,

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Karina & Cedric Big Day Project

Project Detail:

Date: Mar 2012,
Place: Spotlight Recreational Club,
Production of Marcus Wong Photography @ 2012,


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Iris & Terry Big Day Project

Project Detail:

Date: Mar 2012,
Place: The Island Shangri-La,
Production of Marcus Wong Photography @ 2012,

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